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About Fotosail

Fotosail is a fresh and dynamic professional photography service run by Gareth Craig, which specialises in providing marine photography to businesses and water-sports enthusiasts all around Ireland. At we know that you love to be afloat and pride ourselves in supplying you with a superb momento which will return you to that moment again and again.

Although primarily based in Dublin, we can travel to cover events across Ireland. We offer a full photographic service for regattas, events and other occasions both on and off the water, with our own rib to allow complete independence on the race-course so club ribs can concentrate on mark-laying and safety provision. Our flexible mobile display and printing set-up will allow people to view photographs from the day's sailing as soon as they arrive off the water, and take copies home with them that night! If you would like us to attend an event that you are organising then simply email us.


All images on this website are protected by copyright under International law. Use of the website implies acceptance of the terms & conditions and privacy policy.