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All images used on the website and all those produced by photographers are protected by copyright under Irish and International law. A licence for use must always be explicitly sought and granted, and publication in any form does not imply a right of reuse of any image by any third party.

The provision of a "share" facility on this website in no way alters this position, but does facilitate posting a credited link to the photograph on social media with the possible inclusion of a thumbnail image

Unless specifically transfered in a written agreement the copyright always remains with the original photographer of an image, and unless specifically waived in a written licencing agreement any photograph should be credited to the original photographer and whenever the image is published in any form.

Any further quieries on copyright or licencing of images should be directed to Gareth by email, phone or in writting to the address below:
contact details


All images on this website are protected by copyright under International law. Use of the website implies acceptance of the terms & conditions and privacy policy.